Tailored Third Party Risk Management

Phinity Tailored Third Party Risk Management Logo

The Project

KRS initially spent four months developing an MVP (minimum viable product) for parent company Mobius. From this initial Supplier Risk Management module, the system has grown to a comprehensive suite of modules for risk, from management and assessment to remediation, marketed by Phinity. The product is gaining market success and is used by some of South Africa’s biggest corporates, and into international markets. KRS is the technology partner for Phinity, providing consulting, development, infrastructure and support.

The Technology

Risk Manager is hosted on AWS, using PostgreSQL as the database. The back-end is a RESTful Web API written in .Net Core, and the front-end is a responsive web SPA written in JavaScript using the Aurelia framework.

“Empowering you to make the right choices about who you work with”

Diagram explaining Phinity Tailored Third Party Risk Management software developed by KRS

What The Client Has To Say

It is with enthusiasm that I recommend KRS and the professional service and manner in which the team conduct themselves.

I have been working with the KRS team since February 2017. In that time we have worked on major projects and the team had brought special insight, talent, effort and intensity to each project.

Like all new developments and projects, it has not always been smooth sailing – but this is when you find the real strength in a partnership. In my experience, KRS have always conducted themselves in a professional manner and looked to find a workable solution.

Lee Bristow, Phinity Risk Solutions

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