Bookings, Payments & Property Management. Simplified.

South African National Parks Logo

The Project

South African National Parks has partnered with KRS to develop our RoomSeeker package to world class status. In 2004 we completed the design and implementation of many customizations to manage all SANParks’s back-office processes and call centre.

The Technology

Roomseeker™ has increased SANParks’s organizational productivity and customer service through quicker provision of information and activation of reservations and payments. The basic modules run at the SANP head office in Pretoria, on a large SQL Server Database, using Citrix Server for the country-wide parks.

Our Service

KRS has a small onsite team at SANP’s Pretoria headquarters, who provide support and business analysis services to our client. The system is continually evolving, and SANP depends on Roomseeker™ being online and available 24 hours a day!

“The top information management system that tamed SANParks.”

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