Back-end Development

With decades of back-end development experience, KRS has helped clients port their databases to the Cloud, integrate services into apps, and handle a wide range of SQL tasks. We’re Microsoft Gold partners for Cloud and Data competencies.

Collage showing two photos of KRS developers at work

Cloud Platforms

KRS offers Cloud Engineers who can assist you a range of Cloud services, particularly around the security challenges we face in this highly connected world, and the responsibilities we have in managing client data.

Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the heavy-hitters in the public Cloud space. Each with their own security layers, performance benefits, and service charges. With our proven record of back-end development expertise, KRS can advise and assist you in your journey to the Cloud.

We increasingly develop serverless applications, utilising Services in the Cloud. This offers great scalability on a pay-only-for-what-you-need basis. KRS is a trusted partner for taking and Cloud-enabling them, as well as helping our clients build new lines of business in the Cloud.

AWS logo
Google Cloud Platform logo
A software developer working on a PC showing code

SQL Databases

KRS assists companies to organise, optimise, secure, and administer their valuable data. We are Microsoft Gold Partners in Data Competencies, and have accordingly deep Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL skills.

Our open-source database of choice is PostgreSQL, which we use extensively in the MVP space. We also recommend Redis as a cache store, for its low cost and high performance.

We offer most of the expected services around data management, and have a proven track record of getting it right. Talk to us about your needs, even if they’re not in the high-level list below:

API Development

It is critical that your back-end system is robust, maintainable, and secure. Accordingly, we are passionate about quality back-end development and apply design techniques like domain-driven design (DDD). This structures code in way that will continue to support the business even as requirements change.

Our most used back-end environment is C# .Net Core, for security, stability and great performance. We extensively use Cloud services like AWS Lambdas and Azure Functions – both very exciting Cloud Services that are helping us help our clients to leverage the power and scalability of the Cloud.

Get in touch with the KRS Team

We create long term relationships with our clients through excellent customer support and listening to your needs.

Doodle drawings of communication icons
Doodle drawings of communication icons

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