Now that I am back at the KRS head office in Cape Town after being based off-site for quite a few years, I‘ve realised how many aspects I enjoy about the KRS way of life.

“I really look forward to coming to work each day!”

My favourite one is the dress code, or rather the lack of a dress code. Mornings are a breeze now as I don’t need to think too hard about what to wear. I don’t need to keep two separate wardrobes of clothes, one for my casual wear and the other for work clothes. Sounds small, but it actually makes my life a lot simpler as I don’t need to stress about whether my attire is suitable. Of course there are limits, but I can work these out for myself without a company policy document detailing the exact items which are deemed to be acceptable or not.

Then I can arrive and leave whenever I need to. Within reason, of course as I do need to complete my work, and be available for my client – the client is the reason I am at work after all. It’s all about respect for my company, colleagues, our clients and my job. But I can still do any urgent personal chores without panicking that I will still arrive before 8.30 and when I get to work, around me I have relaxed colleagues – they haven’t had to race into work through rush hour traffic in order to be there at the designated arrival time.

The aspect that I enjoy the most about working at KRS is the people. They are diverse – there are people of all types and interests. Each day I could be talking to a fisherman, or a lighting technician or a hopeful for SA’s Got Talent. And they will all willingly assist you with whatever you need – a quick question, a sounding board for a theory or idea you have, or just a helping hand. Sometimes they will just pop in to find out what you are doing during a break of their own. And this could all happen over lunch.

Ah, the free lunch, which is a standard perk, is also a huge draw card as well as a time saver.

But the most important aspect is that each project allows us to apply new technology and new ideas, constantly. Over the years – and there have been quite a few projects, each with new team members who have brought something new and different into the company. And each change has been valuable, and helps to make KRS a company where I look forward to coming to work each day.