Agile Africa – Report Back

Selena Delesie kicked off the conference speaking about the Soul of Agile. This particularly highlighted the need of leaders to shift their focus, something KRS will address in future issues of our newsletter.

Choosing which session to attend at Agile Africa was tricky with three streams running concurrently with long workshops which covered two other sessions – all of which was pertinent and interesting.

Legacy code is a growing problem – something KRS has identified early on the ‘modern’ game. Alain’s presentation on ‘How to Handle Legacy’ was well received, with positive feedback and some lengthy discussions about this problem in the industry. Video to this important discussion is here.

Day-2 started off with another awesome keynote from Sonja Blignaut on enabling adaptive cultures. More challenges for anyone in leadership. This was followed by The Kanban Policy Game, which really highlights the importance of co-operation, and another personal highlight, and which speaks to the theme of this newsletter – an interactive workshop with Selena Delesie on Nurturing Teams to Thrive.

For anyone who is interested, the complete playlist for the conference is available here.