KRS partners with Sitefinity, the Enterprise CMS

Enterprise Content Management, eCommerce and Digital Marketing all in one package

We are excited to announce that KRS has been appointed as a Progress Partner, for the SitefinityTM CMS and Digital Marketing Automation platform. The partnership agreement will see KRS offer development and support services for this feature rich, highly secure, enterprise geared Content Management System, to corporates, large-scale business operations and digital marketing agencies, across sub-Saharan Africa.

Content management is no longer solely the domain for media publishing houses, but increasingly, businesses are realising the potential of controlling their own content and the conversations that are happening online. However, while the generation of content is relatively easy to initiate, enterprises have the added requirement for stringent security to protect the platform and its content, as well as data tracking and interpretation to mine the information for better marketing and business intelligence. All this has to happen within the confines of a digital platform that is at once easy to navigate and manage, as it is to protect and serve.

Enter SitefinityTM, a highly modern ASP .NET Web CMS that delivers intuitive web content management in a robust development environment. The platform offers a rich end user experience and allows organisations to build an engaging web presence through a usable interface, flexible framework and feature rich functionality – all built-in in one coherent offering that puts security and SEO at the heart of the proposition, from the beginning.

Having worked on the platform for a leading South Africa finance institution, KRS recognised the potential the SitefinityTM system has for all manner of enterprises in South Africa.

We have deep Microsoft .NET technical knowledge in terms of customisation, integration into servers and services, a track record for running big systems and expertly managing them, as well as our mature SDLC approach.

Couple this with recognising where the world is going in terms of its digital transactional presence, we felt SitefinityTM was a great addition to our service offering.

One of Sitefinity’s key offerings, setting it apart from most other CMS platforms, is its ability to combine eCommerce solutions and content together in one platform. It has its own data tracking system too – builds its own intelligence and profiling. This makes it a highly attractive proposition for companies with large customer databases and online engagements – think anything with an online booking system, sports betting, banking, insurance and the like.

Content security, one of the most pressing requirements in today’s digital world, is managed by monitoring user activity with a system audit trail, ensuring accountability and transparency. Digital assets can be shared across all sites and granular permissions authorize who can access, edit and publish, allowing complete control of content management.

The sky’s the limit for switched on marketers

Sitefinity’s Digital Experience Cloud (DEC), is a marketer’s dream. The unified marketing command centre enables marketers to drive growth by understanding, and optimising every customer’s journey. Easily.

Utilising data aggregation, the DEC provides a 360-degree view of customers and measures how marketing efforts drive targeted conversions. It applies machine learning to provide recommendations on how to direct targeted audiences toward best possible outcomes.

The DEC recommends, which existing assets to use, predicts the enhancements that can be expected, and measures results. Connecting an insight to an automated process like personalisation, helps to make the most of each opportunity that Big Data may uncover.

The platform employs an open architecture and fully exposed APIs to ensure it is endlessly extendible. Utilising custom controls, modules or through integration to third-party applications, the platform offers extensive customisation capabilities.

Built in personalisation tools allow for the delivery of personalised content based on parameters like location/IP address, searched terms, time of the day, profile fields, visit duration, landing page and visited pages, an essential for today’s engaging enterprise.

We offer corporates a single solution for their marketing needs by either building the system from scratch (along with mobile apps if required) and working with their existing agency, or by bringing our collaborative content partners to the party. It’s an exciting space to be in right now and a journey we are looking forward to undertaking.

Get in touch for further information or a demo of the platform.

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