Developer Training
We love sharing our knowledge for the benefit of the development community. As a result, we offer very practical hands-on Developer Training and workshops, drawing from our 35 years of experience in our teams using the skills we teach. These include Event Storming, Domain Driven Design (DDD), and key XP practices such as Pair Programming and Test Driven Development (TDD).
Event Storming
Event Storming is a new and exciting technique to identify events in the domain you are modelling. We offer workshops for business domain experts where we provide the theory of Event Storming and facilitate a hands-on exercise for Big Picture Event Storming as well as Process Modelling.
Connect with us for your Event Storming workshop. We offer half day training at your premises for groups of between 6 and 20 people.
For developers, we can offer a Software Design level Event Storming workshop. Ideal for drilling down into Bounded Contexts, Aggregates and the business rules and read models of your system.
We can also assist with facilitating your first actual session, by guiding new users through the process, additionally ensuring that the session is a safe space to allow the best possible outcome.

Domain Driven Design
This developer training session involves two different sections with the details listed below. There are practical aspects during the sessions to allow all attendees to get to grip with the concepts. At the end of this training, you will leave with an understanding of the principles of DDD and some code examples for how to implement it.
Introduction to DDD
Ubiquitous Language, Bounded Contexts, Entities, Aggregates and Value Objects, Event Storming Intro and Case Study.
Advanced DDD
Exercises with Entities, Aggregates, Value Objects, Advance Bounded Contexts and exercise, Patterns: Onion, Hexagon, CQRS, and Event Sourcing. Coding examples are in C# for .Net Core
We use practices from XP internally and can facilitate training on these practices. Indeed, we believe that XP is the forgotten pillar of Agile, and it’s particularly important to talk about code practices with your team. No other Agile methodology actually supports the development team, except XP.
If you’re serious about robust, quality code, please look into XP. Lastly, we also have a couple of industry event talks which might be helpful.
Systems Thinking
The socio-technical challenges that we face, the so-called wicked problems, require new approaches to problem solving.
Systems Thinking is essential in this new and challenging sphere, and KRS has emerged as an leader in workshops at International Conferences, and assisting clients with learning Systems Thinking.
We offer in-person or remote training in Systems Thinking theory, and will guide you through various modelling approaches from high level to predictive, data-driven models.
Contact us to see how we can help you to think differently, from a wide angled lens to the details that matter.
Public presentations
Applying Systems Thinking to Teams and Software
Lorraine Steyn presented at Agile meets Architecture and at KanDDDinsky 2023 in Berlin. The talk discussed how, in spite of clean code and great architecture, most long term systems degrade into the big ball of mud. Reframing the problem with a Systems Thinking lens shows how systems can inhibit good people from doing good work.
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DDD Europe 2023
Ayesha Bagus and Lorraine Steyn presented at DDD Europe in Amsterdam in June 2023. Our topic was how to apply Systems Thinking to people and team dynamics. The interactive session was well received, and we brought along our fun scenario game cards.
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Agile Testing Days
Back in Germany in November, Lor presented at Agile Testing Days on the importance of Pair Programming to bake quality into the code from the beginning. It was inspiring to attend these two important conferences, and bring back ideas to learn and grow at KRS.
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Have you experienced team discussions or meetings going round and round in circles – with no real outcome – only to be repeated again and again? Sharna Sammy, Scrum Master at KRS, likes to call this The Circle of Death and has four helpful tips to specifically avoid this situation.
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Startup Grind
Lorraine Steyn spoke at Women in Tech about her extensive experience in the IT industry. Her talk covered founding KRS in 1987 in the early days of desktop computing, and how the company has evolved to the web, mobile development, and big data solutions over the years.
Get in touch with the KRS Team
We create long term relationships with our clients through excellent customer support and listening to your needs.